Crossing the border using the "Path" system

система Шлях

Crossing the border using the "Path" system: for the attention of volunteer applicants who apply to the Ministry

News Automobile abd city transport

In order to cross the border by drivers transporting humanitarian or medical cargo for the Armed Forces, military formations or the population of Ukraine, registration in the "Shlyah" system is required.

This requirement is provided for in Clause 2-8 of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine, approved by Resolution No. 57 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27, 1995.

Currently, 2 categories of bodies consider applications for departure abroad through the "Shlyah" system:

Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure;

regional military administrations.

In order to ensure the uniform application of the rules for crossing the border by drivers with humanitarian cargo and streamline the practice of applications to the Ministry, we recommend that applicants use the following sample documents:

statement about making a decision on the departure of conscript drivers outside of Ukraine

justification for the volume of cargo and the number of vehicles required to transport it

To prevent the possibility of abuse when submitting documents, it is recommended to submit the application and its annexes in electronic form with the applicant's qualified electronic signature (KEP) superimposed.

It is recommended to send the application in electronic form in PDF format with the possibility of copying.

Please pay attention to the e-mail address of the Ministry for submitting applications:

If the documents submitted for consideration have signs of using a graphic editor during their production, they will not be considered. It will not affect the possibility of their consideration and use of the KEP.

All documents, including the justification, must be submitted in the state language or with an official translation into the state language.

Please note that the Ministry considers justifications for the volume of cargo and the number of vehicles only from:

  • military, law enforcement agencies;
  • military administrations;
  • medical institutions;
  • senders of humanitarian aid (donors);
  • recipients of humanitarian aid.

It is important that the recipients of humanitarian aid cannot be natural persons-entrepreneurs. This follows from Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Humanitarian Aid".

Therefore, the Ministry has no official grounds for making a decision on the departure of drivers abroad based on justifications received from individual entrepreneurs.

We would like to remind you that drivers carrying out cargo transportation for the Armed Forces or other military formations, as well as the population of Ukraine, can stay abroad continuously for no more than 30 calendar days. The countdown starts from the moment of crossing the state border.

In addition, the specified drivers are subject to the obligation to carry out customs clearance of cargo in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.

Please note that adding a driver to the "Shlyah" system does not guarantee crossing the border. The final decision on border crossing by a specific driver is made by the border guards after checking all the necessary documents.