Environment and us

людина та довкілля

The problem of the survival of mankind arose in the conditions of the development of science and technology, especially military, unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Environmental problem. Its definition as global is related to the situation of global destructive human impact on the biosphere, which has led to a global ecological crisis. Solving this crisis is a condition for the further scurrying of the human race.

The problem of preserving the human personality. This problem reveals the essence of the anthropological crisis. The state of crisis in the existence of the human personality in the modern world is connected with the fact that the artificial world created by man is estranged from man and puts pressure on him.


Purpose of the Program

The purpose of the Program is an environmental policy aimed at preserving and improving the state of the environment, preserving unique natural features, reducing man-made pollution, rational use of natural resources, and forming an ecological culture among citizens.

The program defines priority directions and a set of measures for the protection and improvement of the environment. Implementation of environmental protection measures provided for by the Program is possible only if local self-government bodies, managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations, public organizations and the population contribute to their implementation.

Ways and methods of solving environmental problems

  1. Rational use of land, water, recreational and other natural resources, creation of conditions for their restoration.
  2. Public control over compliance with environmental protection legislation in terms of preserving the city's ecological network.
  3. Public control over the provision of town planning conditions and restrictions and other town planning documentation that changes the purpose of recreational land.
  4. Public control over the removal of green vegetation on individual objects of green improvement within the territories of communities (parks, squares, recreational areas; green vegetation of residential areas; coastal protection areas and water protection zones). Removal should be carried out exclusively in emergency and emergency situations in accordance with the prepared report of the inspection of green areas by the relevant commission and the registration of all permits.
  5. Prevention of pollution of atmospheric and water basins.
  6. Comprehensively promote the introduction of modern technologies for collecting, extracting, processing and disposal of industrial and household waste.
  7. Comprehensively promote the introduction of new technologies, modernization of power supply networks and structures, heat supply, water supply, and sewage.
  8. Promote the creation of environmental councils at the executive committees of communities in order to ensure systematic balanced management in the field of environmental protection with the involvement of deputies of all levels, heads of specialized departments and departments, and the public.


Implementation of the Program will ensure

  • preservation and rational use of natural resources; 
  • improvement of atmospheric air; 
  • creation of conditions for overcoming the negative consequences of climate change; 
  • quality of drinking water and improvement of the condition of surface water bodies; 
  • increase of the area of green spaces and improvement of the condition of existing ones; 
  • creation of comfortable conditions for living and recreation of the population improvement of the household and industrial waste management system, including dangerous, large-sized, etc.; 
  • improvement of environmental education; 
  • increase of environmental awareness of citizens.